Our Privacy policy

Website privacy policy

This privacy policy applies to the websites of Mazeppa Consulting is responsible for handling privacy information on the website. Separate privacy polices applies to any other products and services supplied by Mazeppa Consulting. Please contact us for more information about these.

Container cranes by the shore with a clear view in the background
Privacy statement

Handling Responsible of personal data.
The Managing Director is responsible for the processing of personal data by Mazeppa Norge AS.

Personal information stored.
We store the following personal information about our customers;
Company Name, Name, Role, Phone Number, Email Address, and Job Location.  

Purpose of handling this information.
We process the information to fulfill our obligations in agreement with you.
We also use the information to provide you with information, offers and services in connection with your agreements and we use the information to fulfill our contractual obligations on Support.  

The basis for the handling personal information.
Information about company name, name, username, phone number, e-mail address and job place are used to fulfill signed agreements. The basis for this processing is Article 6 (b) of the Privacy Regulation.
Once you have consented to this, the information will also be used to provide you with information, offers and services in connection with your purchase via email, mail, phone and SMS. The basis for this processing is the privacy regulation Art 6 (a). You can at any time cancel receiving such information from us.  

Collection of personal data
We store personal information that you have provided to our employees in connection with your Customer agreement You have with us.  

Use of Subcontractors.
We may use subcontractors to process personal information on our behalf. In such cases, we are responsible for ensuring that the subcontractors undertake to comply with this privacy statement and applicable privacy laws by signing a data processing agreement.

If the subcontractor processes personal data outside the EU / EEA area, such processing must be in accordance with the EU-US Privacy Shield framework, EU standard contract terms for transfer to third countries or another specifically established legal basis for the transfer of personal data to a third country.

Disclosure of information to third parties
We will not share, sell, transfer or otherwise disclose personal information to others unless we are legally required to do so.
To fulfill our obligations under the agreement, necessary information is provided to our partners in IT operations.  

Deletion of personal data
Information we received in connection with your agreement is stored in our active customer account for 5 years.
Information we are required to keep in accordance with the Public Administration Act will be stored for up to 5 years, in accordance with the requirements of the Act.  

Rights of the Registrar
We process your personal information in accordance with the Personal Information Act and applicable regulations. It is advised that you may require access to and relocation of your personal information, as well as the correcting or deletion of information. It may be appealed to the Data Inspectorate for processing in violation of the rules.  

Information Security
We ensure your personal information by both physical and virtual access and access control.  

Any inquiries about which information is registered, correction and deletion can be sent in writing to the following addresses: Email: post@mazeppagroup.com, Mazeppa Norge AS, Drammensveien 288, 0283 Oslo.